Dec 17, 2013

Mongolian dragons is back on 2013

Hello everybody,

Like the title say my personal project Mongolian Dragons is back this year.
explanation :

last year (2012) I developed three different project.

Bed Bugs.
Freaks, the amazing journey.
Mongolian Dragons.

I went present my project at the creative talent networks of Burbank on November 15th 2012.
And the project Mongolian Dragons had a huge success from the professional of the animation industry.

So I developed some visuals concept this year and this is the results ...enjoy....

I am back with new stuff !

Hello everybody,

I know, I didn't post message this year. .......Sorry
But it doesn't mean that I didn't work. This year was just crazy..... very busy for my career.

first of all I moved to Canada. It's already 10 months than I am working as a designer at Nerdcorps entertainment in Vancouver BC.

I found my apartment, furnitures, friends .......and of course work full time on the visual development of a new tv show for a huge American company (.....secret ). I told you it was a busy year.... BUT I found time to develop my own personal project that I am presenting to you on the next post.....

Feb 23, 2013

I'm working on that !!!

Hello everyone,

Here are some news. This is a few months since the project "Central Park Tale" has been validated on Kickstarter.

A few days later that, Mr. Daniel Jeannette (great animation director and director of the project) contacted me to be the character designer of the project in pre-production.

It's been three months now that I am working on the main characters of the project.

I'll post my designs when I will can.

PS: the drawings shown in the videos are not from me but by Fabien Ouvrard and Daniel Jeannette

to be follow....

Jan 20, 2013

Creature Spot

Hello everybody !

Yesterday have been contacted by a popular blog for be a new artist !
This is the link of the blog straight to my first post :

Jan 18, 2013

Mongolian Dragons (sketches)

YEEEEEEESSSSSS I steel working for the secret project of Daniel Jeannette.
And because of many people ask me to show something TA TA.....! There are some sketches of my own project " Mongolian Dragons "

Jan 4, 2013

Happy New Year 2013 !!!!!!!

I hope a lot of good things will happen for us this year.

Sorry I did not posted for a while, but I am working on a American animation movie project. And he can not show my drawings. Sorry for that ... ; ) But no worry I will be free soon ... !